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My personal testimony

AFGHANISTAN farmers are rapidly losing resources to survive. Farmers are running out of resources quickly.

Afghan's have been living in poverty for centuries. Families are being innocently exposed to horrific living conditions. Drought is wrecking havoc on daily nesessities, causing significant influx on poverty stricken communities.  Scarcity of tools are leaving farmers desperate.

 -  "Currently 80% of the population are dependent on agriculture.For this reason its esential we protecting our children from world food crisis".Implementing food sovereignty can be found in raw organic living.All people should be given rights to healthy, eco-friendly food production. By implemting moral wisdom to nationality we can limit pre-existing harsh enviromental impact globally. Intragrating  sustainable tech will affirm future economic food security. 

                                 -Lauren C

                                      Phoenix, Az

  improving rural mobility

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